Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Debit or Credit?

With the recent waves of identity theft at Home Depot and Target, when a cashier asks you Debit or Credit, your answer could have financial ramifications.  DiRenzo and Bomier recommends that you speak with your bank as to the ramifications of the use of the particular cards that you may have.

For example, if you use a debit card and that information is stolen, depending on the rules of your particular financial institution, your liability can be potentially unlimited.  On the other hand, if a credit card is used without your authorization, liability is capped at $50.

Remember,  the answer to the question Debit or Credit can make a difference, make sure you look into this with your Debit card issuer if you are concerned. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The National Trial Lawyers

The National Trial Lawyers has asked Attorney Jeffrey Berzowski of DiRenzo & Bomier, LLC to be listed as a Top 100 Trial Lawyer in the area of Civil Plaintiff Practice.

Here is a link to the website:
